
The Other Half of Cardio…

“Cardio” is only part of the health story.  Raising your heart rate to condition your cardiovascular health with particular protocols – is one side of a coin.  This applies to ALL versions of cardio – from gentle walking to short high intensity interval training.

There is an “unknown” side.  A dark side – because until now only some of those with breathing conditions like asthma have known about it.   It is not included in the training of doctors, of physiotherapists, personal trainers or coaches.

And yet this knowledge is the tool with potentially the greatest ability to raise the health and fitness of ALL athletes – of every level.

The information about this secret model is in every single medical text.  There are thousands of published clinical trials on the subject.  But it is hiding in plain view.

Until now.

Results can be measured within days of using this unique training.  It will assist in the lives of those whose fitness varies from elite athletes to geriatrics with emphysema.  Endurance increases, recovery time decreases.

Here is a clue:  Why do some very “fit” athletes get “gassed” more than others?  And why does the usual “cardio” training rarely work well to fix this?  (The “Capnio” Program will reduce “gassed” levels within days – with massive improvements in ability to do physical work.)

The process is identical whether you are an iron man athlete or an “average Joe”.  The rules are the same.  The rules are very clear, and can be taught to a 4 year old.  Only the intensity changes.

Athletes – what if you could increase your muscle’s supply of available oxygen just a little more than your competitors?  Would this increase in your aerobic/anaerobic threshold be of benefit to you?  Both in competition and in training?  If the answer is YES or “I don’t know” – then you will love this breakthrough.

Non-athletes – is your health what you want it to be?  What if you discovered that Capnio has an impact on practically EVERY chronic condition that effects you?

What if it was easier to begin training?  And you suffered less from lactic acid buildup?

Why is it so hard for some people to begin physical training, or to keep going with it?  What if there was something so profound in your normal operations of your body, your habitual behavior – that it actually made you become MORE puffed, and LESS able to complete your workout?  And not only that – you became EXTRA sore and stiff the next day – so you needed every ounce of discipline to train again?

Many do not even begin a training program because you feel lousy.  And you think you feel lousy because you do not train – so not training makes you feel racked with guilt!   What if there was a simple, graded process that was capable of taking you from completely couch-ridden to the place where you actually enjoy exercise and want to do more?

What about food?

Obviously your food and nutrition is important.  But this is something that an put a turbocharger on your vitality – quickly, safely and predictably – on top of any dietary changes you make.

Let’s get real about food.  Most people eat “bad” food because they don’t feel good.  When our body is in a state of enduring stress – we are driven to consume sweet foods, and we do it as a matter of unconscious urgency.  We eat it fast, and too much.  This alters our chemistry and gives us a small period of “stress relief”.  Icecream, cola, crackers, pasta, chips, snacks, biscuits and even fruit.  For a short time.

This is what humans do to “cope” with stress.

What stress?  Well there is the stress of daily life, of relationships, of striving for success.  There is also “physical” stress.  It might come from overwork, poor nutrition, from lack of good sleep, from over-training (I know all about that!), disease, and lots of other sources.

A “hidden” cause of bodily stress?

But there is ONE massive cause of physical stress that is likely not on your list – and it can be dissolved with Capnio Training – quickly and efficiently.

Here is a clue for you.  Why do asthmatics often benefit from taking steroids?  Or people with any inflammatory condition?  In fact – why does taking these chemicals (that our bodies usually make for us) help us to become less inflamed, less reactive, less “stressed”?

The answer is the same one that can allow you to cut the shackles on your health and fitness goals.  The same information that has helped many thousands of asthmatics reduce symptoms and need for steroid medication by 50% or more – can be used by EVERYONE to both cancel the process that generates massive internal stress – AND make physical work and recovery easier.

This information works for everyone who breathes – because breathing wrongly makes your body ADAPT, and in the process it generates STRESS.  And the processes that  must turn on to deal with that stress soon begin to wear out.  And more processes kick in to help them.

In the absence of the Capnio model, your “habitual” breathing process is likely contributing to your body’s stress level.   It is contributing to the generation of more toxins, more lactic acid, more reactivity, more inflammation and a massive whirlpool of hormones attempting to deal with the extra stressors.

Eventually you will become depleted of many of these hormones as your production simply cannot keep up.

But the news is not all bad.  In fact – the news is awesome – for everyone.

Once you “get” how your breathing is really supposed to work – the training is simple.  It is almost the same for everyone.  Same rules.  Same improvements.

Want to learn more about the “Capnio” system?  Subscribe below.